The location of College is at Dodoma, Tanzania.
Alocated in Dodoma Manispal at Hombolo almost 35 kmph from Dodoma Town,
You can reach to the destination easily without any difficult because there are several transport at all the time, by Motorcycle and Buses and so on for cheap fair.
You can use almost one hour and a half or two hours.
The area is Attractive and calm for further learning and living without any disturbance or snoozing / shouting.
You Are Welcome/ Karibuni Sana
Alocated in Dodoma Manispal at Hombolo almost 35 kmph from Dodoma Town,
You can reach to the destination easily without any difficult because there are several transport at all the time, by Motorcycle and Buses and so on for cheap fair.
You can use almost one hour and a half or two hours.
The area is Attractive and calm for further learning and living without any disturbance or snoozing / shouting.
You Are Welcome/ Karibuni Sana
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